What is Vegan and Cruelty-free Make-up, and Why Is It Important?

What is Vegan and Cruelty-free Make-up, and Why Is It Important?

According to a study conducted by the Vegetarian Times, around 7.3 million American people are vegetarians, with an additional 22.8 million trying to follow a more plant-based diet. With our 2021 January bringing a record number of 500 000 sign-ups to commit to vegan food for the month, these numbers are continually rising. The interest and awareness in individual choices for bettering the environment, the lives of animals, and improving our own lives and those around us have grown. We’re fortunate to be exposed to research and data that can assist us in making the best possible lifestyle decisions. Everyone is unique, and what works for one won’t necessarily be the right choice for another. As important as it is to consider the world and those around us as we live out our lives, taking a stand for what products you use, the food you eat, and the way you live are incredibly personal. We appreciate the diversity of the global community we serve.

We see the word “vegan” all around these days. It is usually associated with a type of lifestyle - a way of thinking and maybe approaching one’s day-to-day. When thinking of what vegan means, a person who does not eat meat or dairy could come to mind. A quick search for the definition online explained that someone vegan would not typically consume any foods derived from animals. Being vegan may be extended to not using any animal-related products. Whether vegan or vegetarian or just trying to incorporate more of a plant-based approach into your life, it’s a personal journey, and we hope to assist you in treading more gently. It’s human to use certain words to try and define ourselves or our lifestyles, but often it’s so much more than that - it’s a heart thing. Where your heart is, so you’ll find your choices naturally flow. It’s the desire to live consciously with the knowledge that our everyday decisions can impact the world around us. 

A vegan makeup product is a makeup product that contains no trace of animal ingredients. When a makeup product is cruelty-free, it is promising that the product is not tested on animals. Makeup can be vegan without being cruelty-free, and likewise, a cruelty-free product can be classified as cruelty-free without being vegan. This area is where things get tricky, and ethics play a part. It’s essential to read product labels and to understand the differences. We don’t believe in hiding things from our community, and misleading advertising and terminology are not just wrong; they are entirely unethical. If this information feels meaningful to you - clarify your personal “why” so that it’s easier to choose certain makeup products over others. It may feel like a bit of extra time and effort at first, but considering the length of time, expense, and day-to-day use of your makeup products, it needs to be a purchase that you can use and feel good about throughout the journey.

Atomic Makeup was built on the platform of love for self and love for others. We are obsessed with our animal friends and have established a brand that highlights this. Atomic Makeup is all about creating vegan and cruelty-free products while giving us the ability to express ourselves freely. We are designed with a gentle approach. As we grow our line of beautiful makeup products, we do so without risking the lives of people or animals. We are certified by both PETA and the Vegan Awareness Foundation. Atomic Makeup is committed to never using animal-derived ingredients or by-products, like beeswax, lanolin, and carmine. We understand the twirl and swirl of trends, but we want to make a stand for the long run. It’s more than a classification to “fit in” with what is current. It’s our soul.
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